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The Lazy Warlock

The Lazy Warlock

The Lazy Warlock is Tony Mull (AKA the Lazy Warlock) and they’re the primary developer of Lords of Nysera, a tactical RPG styled after series such as Fire Emblem, Shining Force and Dungeons and Dragons. Tony creates their own art, writes their own code and even makes their own sound effects on occasion. They’ve been an artist their whole life, but have spent the last 6 years or so learning how to program so that they can be where they are today making their own game. Tony also spends way too much time playing Dungeons and Dragons. Tony turns almost all of their ideas into some form of supplemental rule or feature in DnD, such as items, classes, monsters and world rules for running a game in Nysera. The only thing Tony can’t make is the music, which they have recruited the very talented Adam Bow for. Naturally though, this requires a bit of funds to keep Adam busy. Tony likes to invite anyone who has questions about their game and its world to ask.

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