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The Marxist Project

The Marxist Project

The Marxist Project is primarily an educational YouTube channel whose main goal is to present and discuss various concepts in Marxist theory. The channel focuses on the fundamentals, as well as the application of Marxist theory to modern day issues. The research, scripting, art, audio recording, and editing is all mostly done by one person. Because this is (usually) a one-man-act, and because resources are very limited, video production is very slow. One of the main principles of this channel is the refusal to participate in the monetization of videos. Right now, The Marxist Project is a small channel. But regardless of the growth of the community, the videos will never be burdened by ads. Similarly, the channel will never engage in the selling of third-party merchandise for profit. If you like the content being produced on the channel, or perhaps even want to see an improvement in quality and quantity, consider supporting the project here on Patreon! Any and all support, even non-monetary, is wholeheartedly welcomed. What will your money be used for? The first priority will be improvement in the quality of the content: the purchase of better editing and graphic design software, investment in better audio recording equipment, and any other accessories that might help streamline video output! The money will also be used, until the situation no longer requires it, as a supplement to the regular income of the aforementioned one-man team.As Patreon supporters, your names (or preferred pseudonyms) will be acknowledged in every video. Additionally, if there are topics you want to see discussed on the channel, your requests will be accounted for first.

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