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The Right Dishonourable Podcast

The Right Dishonourable Podcast

The Right Dishonourable Podcast is a British current events podcast. They know that Brexit means Brexit; Jimmy voted to leave, and Jazza still has PTSD from early morning on 24 June 2016, but there is so much more to UK and global politics than whether or not leaving the EU is going to be over-easy or scrambled. The Right Dishonourable isn’t like other British current events podcasts. They’re not funded by a traditional media organisation and they refuse to become an echo-chamber of ideas. They’re not industry insiders and are only as truthful as resources permit, but if they can try and understand what’s happening in the world, anyone can. Just see them as that slightly annoying guy down the pub that read the whole article rather than the headline. Also, there is banter. An insufferable amount of banter. At the time of writing they’ve been cultivating this community for over 90 episodes (plus an earlier video series) and endured four years, two general elections, two referendums and a shit ton of leadership changes. And they need your help.

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