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The Royal Ocean Film Society

The Royal Ocean Film Society

The Royal Ocean Film Society is a film essay series that Andrew Saladino has been working on since the beginning of 2016 with the express goal of nurturing a higher level of discourse about all things cinema. They talk about it all here- directing, writing, cinematography, animation- all things inside of and related to film form, in a way that’s (hopefully) simultaneously educational and entertaining. Saladino’s basic goal is two videos a month, but that’s entirely dependent on the amount of research, writing, and editing a given video takes. For instance, his Saul Bass profile took about 50 hours of work, start to finish, whereas his video on Jacques Tati’s visual comedy took about 150 hours. Right now, he’s only able to concentrate on the series part-time, and while he has been able to generate some income from sponsors, it’s not enough for him to work on the videos full-time.

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