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The Shrieking Wizard Co.

The Shrieking Wizard Co

The Shrieking Wizard Co. is the group of friends and creatives responsible for High Hopes Low Rolls, the web-comic and animatic that tells the story of their homebrew Dungeons and Dragons game. Those friends are: Alex Brennan-Dent, Amy Manning, Jenny Budd, Beth Smith, Matt Kemp and Jazz Slater. They do everything they can; illustrate, edit, film, colour, write, play games, crochet, talk and eat cheese. Its a small team and they do whatever they can to make the coolest stuff they can. If you’d like to get to know them a little better, hang around. They post here every Friday about whats going on and their process. They’re also available on YouTube (The Shrieking Wizard Co.), Instagram (@TheShriekingWizardCo), Twitter (@SWizardCo) and Tumblr (, if you want a little bit every day.

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