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The Travelling Tolkienist

The Travelling Tolkienist

The Travelling Tolkienist is Marcel Aubron-Blles, who has been active in the Tolkien community for 25+ years, from founding the German Tolkien Society and the fantasy film convention Ring*Con to regulars’ tables and online communities such as the International Tolkien Fellowship on Facebook and the TolkienTribe on Instagram. You’ll get access to reviews, reports and rants on all things Tolkien & fantasy from the host’s 25 years of Middle-earth experience and the latest news on all that is happening on J.R.R. Tolkien with literary societies, fan clubs, social media and more. Join Marcel in the adventure of promoting interest in the life and works of an outstanding artist and academic and showing you how he continues to inspire millions of all walks of life from all over the planet in every medium.

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