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The Victorious Project

The Victorious Project

The Victorious Project is a vehicle for healing those touched by suicide. They are dedicated to bringing both hope to those who are struggling with suicidal ideation and support for those who have been impacted by the suicide of loved ones. Victorious carries the wisdom of Death and Transformation on its wings. Victorious began as a 1992 Winnebago Brave. My dear friend Victor Tilvaro was living in the RV when he took his own life in May of 2018. His family generously donated the Winnebago to me for the purpose of creating the Victorious Project. We gutted the Winnebago completely and rebuilt Victor’s greatest work of art, the Space Sanctuary inside of it. We transformed the outside of the vehicle using a steel armature and CNC cut aluminum panels as well as hot carved foam to turn it into a golden owl. In order to further our mission of hope and healing we are developing outreach programs and activities that provide direct interventions for participants. 1. Memorial Feathers: We host workshops giving participants the opportunity to create a golden feather for their dearly departed. 2. Space Sanctuary: Inside of Victorious there is a cosmic sanctuary for communicating with the spirits of our lost loved ones by writing them messages that are burned in a simple ceremony of liberation. 3. Shadow Puppetry: We perform a puppet show that tells the story of the Balinese Barong’s transcendence over an ancient Demon King. This beautiful myth demonstrates the power of love and celebration over hatred and aggression. The ultimate goal of our project is to provide a safe space for people struggling with suicidal ideations and those impacted by the suicide of loved ones. Community outreach is key to our endeavor through art therapy and intimate healing sessions. Victorious takes the form of the Owl very intentionally. Owls are omens of death in many cultures. As such they are also the messengers of change. They have the ability to see in the darkness and glide through difficulties with grace. They are revered as the keepers of secret wisdom. Victorious is informed by a variety of mystical traditions. It is a sacred space dedicated to healing and opening communication between the living and the dead. This Cosmic Owl is an Axis Mundi between the earthly realm and the spirit world. The outer form of Victorious is intricately sculpted in 3D relief murals depicting the Great Mother Goddess and her role in the cycle of Death, Liberation and Rebirth. We honor the goddess Kali’s victory over the demon Raktabija. And we presents her in her Meso-American form as the Goddess Mictecacihuatl, Queen of the Underworld. Victorious is emblazoned with the Mantra “Be Brave” and a bleeding Sufi Heart with Wings. The back of Victorious depicts the God’s Eye Nebula with the symbol of universal manifestation, the Sri Yantra, at it’s center. The temple inside of Victorious contains a series of magic mirrors in the form of the 7 Chakras, as well as the Altar of the Owl. Victorious is a living memorial and an exercise in hope. Join us as we spread a message of hope and healing. Love big. Be brave.

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