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TheWhiteRabbitASMR makes ASMR videos to help folks relax and hopefully, fall asleep. In today’s stressful society, with school, work, and other obligations that keep our schedules pretty filled up, they find there’s nothing better than cuddling up on the couch or in bed with a warm blanket and a cup of tea and have all of the day’s worries just melt away into the background. They want to be able to offer you that fuzzy, tingly feeling through video and audio – and to make the very best quality content that they can, one requires time, strategy, and a budget. By becoming a patron, you’ll be helping them help you, and many others like you, that use these videos as a means of de-stressing after a long day, or to experience that wonderful goosebump/tickly shiver feeling that only a few years ago didn’t have a name.

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