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To Asgaard

To Asgaard

To Asgaard is Gaming has always been a major passion of theirs, especially creative experiences like Minecraft. In early 2016, they decided to take this passion for gaming to the next level and begin sharing their experiences and creations with others by doing let’s play series and tutorials. They have strived to continue growing and increasing the quality of the content as well as to expand on new ideas and avenues. They hope to continue being able to entertain and improve as well as dedicate more and more time to their viewers. They don’t want anyone to feel obligated to donate, those of their viewers that watch the videos drive them forwards and inspire them so very much so they want to thank each and every one of their viewers. But if their viewers decide to do more and become a patron, know that their donations will go back in to increasing quality and creating more and more content for each and every one of their viewers.

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