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Todas is a journalistic project that was born in November of 2018 because of the need to see reflected in the press the voices of women and the issues that affect directly. Our slogan is journalism for the common good because it defines the commitment to protest injustice and oppression, and the relationship with the ciudadanos movements. They want to talk about individual and collective struggles of women, highlight their voices in the fields of culture, entertainment, politics, economy, and social management, and research critically the information that affects their lives in all these areas, recognizing the oppressions gender reason race, sexual orientation and social class. Want to strengthen ties with the Latin American feminist journalism, report on rights issues and question the attacks to these rights, and give visibility to the projects generated by women and actions seeking equality in our society. In the first two years they created a community that has validated the importance of this project in Puerto Rico. The economic support of people who follow and believe in the value of our work is indispensable to be able to continue doing feminism journalism in Puerto Rico, incorporating new sections to our digital medium and ensuring consistency in our coverage. To show your appreciation for our work, you can choose the commitment level you want to offer. For each level, there are different benefits that will be offered in appreciation for your support.

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