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Tom Smith

Tom Smith

Tom Smith has been making music for about thirty years — mostly comedy, mostly folk rock, except for everything else. They’re a charter and core member of The Funny Music Project (, and they’re one of the only artists to be featured on both NPR’s Sound and Spirit and The Dr. Demento Show. The one problem with the indie music biz is, it doesn’t do a very good job of paying the bills, especially these days. Tom has had help and support from their friends and fans, whom they love and appreciate more than they can say. But they’ve always felt bad that they could never return as much as their friends have given them. Enter Patreon. Patreon sets up a structure that allows their friends to kick in and financially support them at whatever level works for their friends, and they only pay when Tom actually produces finished work so they don’t feel guilty if Real Life makes them fall behind. The best part is, they get to interact even more. With their support, Tom can try new and different things musically, and eventually in videos. They can do the songs they want, and the songs that their friends want. Best of all, they can focus on that, so their friends get more music.

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