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Toussaint Morrison

Toussaint Morrison

Toussaint Morrison is a filmmaker and musician. Throughout your career as an actor, you have played many roles for underrepresented identities and marginalized communities. As time goes on, you’ve arranged a team & crew to tackle narratives in the form of short films and web series. To elevate these stories, you’re creating a new channel and platform to launch stories with majority casts of color, narratives you don’t often see on mainstream networks, and characters processing their own racial identity in a not-so post-racial society. You want to expand the world and scope of these important stories into longer film schedules, multiple film locations, and larger casts of characters. Before you do that, you need support to breathe these films and pages full of stories to life. As a musician, there’s a balance to the process of writing and releasing music. Sometimes you may release a song you wrote 5 years ago, on an album with songs written 5 weeks ago. In short, the process is arduous and tedious. You’ve added your music to this Patreon because the process of creating stories and narratives of vulnerability, like film, are one in the same for you. With people like yourself joining the platform in helping you to release music, you can setup release dates, promote music, and hire graphic designers and other musicians to get in on the albums. Music, like film, is truly a collaborative effort, and by joining, you’ll be helping you include other artists with your music.

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