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travis hanson

travis hanson

travis hanson is Travis Hanson. They are involved in two big comic projects. The first is Bean, They are still coloring and adding to that book and they are excited with the progress. The second, if you have not seen the updates is that they are drawing a daily comic called Life of the Party. Life of the Party is a daily fun comic strip about the pros and cons of adventuring in a fantasy world. It has been going on for more than a year and it is getting bigger and bigger. They will continue to update the look and feel of this project as well. They will be adding new exciting rewards and interacting more with those that support. One addition will be downloadable content for gaming, including custom maps, character npc, etc.. They want people to enjoy the adventure. They are committed to telling stories of inspiration and hope, illustrating them with imaginative artwork, and helping people to find their own happiness and joy through service and imagination.

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