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Tristen is leaning into new ways, in a new world. They find themselves in the typing pool for most of what they would have spent traveling around a new record. 2020 brings tears in the typing pool for most of what they would have spent traveling around a new record, something they look forward to. Instead of buying that ticket, dinner & drinks, they will all stay at home, cook & connect through screens. They’ll send you spontaneous serious notes. Plus, they’ll send you their weekly advice column, a couple poems, and a song each month. We will be digging through live shows, alternate mixes, old recordings, demos and deep cuts to send you some of those raw moments lingering in our closet of hard drives. For collectors, they have a monthly merchandise club that sends you a *tristen approved* gift in the mail: records, CDs, tapes, t-shirts, totes, pins, notes, set lists, and candles.

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