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Ulysses Aoki

Ulysses Aoki

Ulysses Aoki is an upcoming artist residing in Tokyo who mainly takes photos. A few years ago, Ulysses started taking candid photos in Tokyo, intensely. As Ulysses got more and more into the art and received a little bit of traction, after some positive feedback from the public including competitions results, word of mouth and media traction, Ulysses decided to create more content to both document their artistic journey and guide people that are interested. Sadly, social media isn’t as simple as it was years ago. IG is catering towards corporates and short vids, Youtube is being a complex place of high-intensity competition with lots of time dedication needed. Ulysses created this patreon page so that anyone that wants their attention can have it, and if anyone wants to support them more than pressing a simple “like”, they can do so.

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