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Victor D. Infante

Victor D. Infante is something of a workaholic, and tends to prioritize journalism to the expense of creating poetry and fiction. Which, in a lot of ways, feels odd, as not terribly long ago that was the most forward facing aspect of his public life. So …. no journalism talk, here. That’s what social media is for! Victor D. Infante’s poetry and fiction has appeared in numerous periodicals and anthologies, including Chiron Review, Spillway, Word Riot, Blue Satellite, The Nervous Breakdown, Pearl, The Collagist, Barrelhouse, Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry, Spoken Word Revolution Redux, the Murder Ink: Tales of New England Crime series, The Last American Valentine: Poems to Seduce and Destroy, Aim For the Head: An Anthology of Zombie Poetry and The Incredible Sestina Anthology. Victor D. Infante also published one full-length poetry collection, City of Insomnia, on Write Bloody Publishing. Like they said, Victor D. Infante keeps busy.

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