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Who Knows

Who Knows

Who Knows? began as a podcast that works to promote mental health awareness and self-love. It explores life in a way that is transparent, honest and curious. They talk about both the good and the bad because the bad is just stuff that’s a little more complicated. It’s about learning and growing, tearing down walls, opening up, asking questions, and giving your best advice. After three years of creating the podcast, they have seen that there is a desire for content that is relatable not only to those who struggle with diagnosed mental health issues, but to anyone whos ever felt a sense of unbelonging and are searching for a community that understands them. People are looking for entertaining content that promotes personal growth and learning through a real-life lens. They want to hear real stories from honest people. They want advice from those who are succeeding in areas where they are struggling. They want to feel less alone. So they have begun the journey to create content beyond the podcast to transform Who Knows? into a mental health media company creating content in all forms to advocate for the importance of self-love and mental health.

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