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William Bernhardt

William Bernhardt

William Bernhardt is creating Red Sneaker Writers. It sounds a little weird. William doesn’t actually create people. But Patreon mandates the use of the verb “is creating.” This page is for people who want to support William’s books and William’s podcast–but it’s also for writers looking for mentoring. William loves working with other writers, but William thinks billing and invoicing is a drag. Patreon provides a better way. William is creating Red Sneaker Writers. They sound a little weird. William doesn’t actually create people. But Patreon mandates the use of the verb “is creating.” This page is for people who want to support William’s books and William’s podcast–but it’s also for writers looking for mentoring. William loves working with other writers, but William thinks billing and invoicing is a drag. Patreon provides a better way. Join the program and William is available to you whenever you need him. William is working on a new series, and when it’s ready to launch, William’s patrons will be the first to hear about. Want to see an early draft? Want a free copy in your inbox, or an autographed copy in the mail? Glad to oblige. For writers and aspiring writers: William started the Red Sneaker programs to help you. This page just doubles down on that. Want free attendance at William’s five-day retreats or the annual writers conference? Editing or critique of your manuscript? Regular phone or Skype conferences? At the Red Sneaker Unlimited level, William basically becomes your writing coach, on tap whenever you need him, You make it possible for William to do the work William thinks matters, and in return, William will work his head off. Even a small contribution can make a huge difference. William has always believed that books, stories, and literature enrich our lives and strengthen our spirits. So let’s make this world a better place–together.

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