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Wrestling Bios

Wrestling Bios

Wrestling Bios is creating videos on YouTube, covering many different subjects in professional wrestling. At the moment they’re putting together around 1 hour of video content per week, and that includes the new “Reliving The War” video series and podcast. The big question is… why set up a Patreon? Well, they want to secure the future of the channel. And to do that, they gotta’ get help somewhere other than YouTube. They had a Patreon set up previously and they didn’t really promote it, it felt a little strange for them asking people to donate. When they ended the previous Patreon page, they were able to switch on “Channel Memberships” and that allowed viewers to pay a small fee to become supporters, getting some bonus videos and channel badges too. Recently though, they’ve been getting a lot of messages from people wanting to support the Wrestling Bios channel via Patreon, preferring to use this method of support instead of YouTube channel memberships. So they’ve decided to relaunch the Patreon page and see what happens. They’re going to be very honest, the upload schedule they have on YouTube means they have little time to create new exclusive content here. They know this will turn people away from supporting, but they don’t want to promise things they can’t deliver either due to time constraints. This is truly a 1-man job here. With this in mind, they want to deliver perks and bonuses that are realistic; Things like ad-free videos, behind the scenes posts, surprise uploads and a direct line to chat with them about wrestling and the channel in general.

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