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XYMYTH is the team of Gan Yimke and Jacob R. Colon, creating comic book series with international artists and storytellers including co-creator and illustrator Cthulhu Hernandez (Born Users, H2O, Dimension Driver) and co-creator and illustrator Nicholas Goodwin (Nephesh). They are also crafting light novels, Youtube series such as video essays and their Anime Fight Scorecards, as well as Patreon-centric content like their production podcast that goes over their process and projects all across XYMYTH’s multi-media platforms. Their goal is to bring meaningful, vibrant and above all, unique stories to life through different avenues, beginning with their comics and light novelizations. Down the road, they’ll advance to voice-acted and moving animatics, and eventually, hopefully, TV or Film. If you choose to follow them throughout this journey on Patreon, they would be more grateful than can be expressed in words. which is why they’ve packed their tiers with benefits they hope will only expand and be more worth while in the future. Here at XYMYTH, diversity is of high priority, so they offer content for fans of comics and art, informative videos, film and comedy, behind the scenes, and a close relationship with their social community. They hope you can join them for the next big bang.

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