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Kevin (BusanKevin)

Kevin (BusanKevin) has been making videos for YouTube since 2006. People from around the world have watched his videos about travel, life in Japan, education and food. Now he has created the Just Japan Podcast; a podcast that covers a wide variety of aspects about life in Japan. Each week he interviews a fascinating person about something that makes living, working and traveling in Japan awesome. The staggering popularity of the Just Japan Podcast has very quickly shown him that bandwidth and hosting fees for a popular podcast are very expensive. By helping just a little each month, you can ensure that he can meet the bandwidth needs of this awesome show. He wants to continue to upload Just Japan on a weekly basis (ad free if possible), but that may be difficult with the sheer number of downloads he’s currently dealing with. You can also help make the audio and video production of both the podcast and video channels grow with the addition of new equipment. He loves producing content and he knows many of his fans enjoy the content he creates. If you feel that the content he makes gives you something, if you feel it makes you happy in any way and you look forward to it, please feel free, but not obligated to help.

Find Kevin (BusanKevin) online:


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