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Daniel Cherniske

Daniel Cherniske

Daniel Cherniske is a poet, a musician, a writer and a storyteller. For years, he has hid from this truth, diving into flashy careers careening toward burnout around each ego driven project and task, while the heart called out again and again, “Daniel, it’s time to come home… time to sing and to ponder, time to open and invite your kin to ramble with you.” Charlie Eisenstein masterfully speaks to the need for community to keep each other afloat when we break through the layers of plastic refuse floating on the water’s surface and fill our lungs with the realization of purpose and see clearly the potential of thriving here on this planet together in wholeness and sanity. Daniel would ask of your support, if he may. For he needs your accountability and your energy to help regenerate his soul’s calling. He has songs, essays, questions, poems, prayers, laughter, tears, fears and dreams to share with you. He would be honored for you to come along with him, and join in his creative path as he takes small and big steps toward wholeness and sanity. For we are living in strange times indeed, my dear. In short, Daniel needs your financial contributions to aid in his family’s economic survival and abundance so he may continue to say yes to his song and no to the quick fix scenarios placed before him. But beyond moneys, Daniel needs your accountability. He wishes for you to be in community with him, where he is sacredly beholden to show up for you in ways that he has promised, to step into a role of honoring our relationship by living fully engaged and alive and showing up again and again, as hard as it may be. Even when he falls apart and becomes lost in the woods of despair and fatigue, he will show up for you and weave it all into music and poetry, for that is what the Earth needs of him. That is what his Son and his partner need of him. He would like to walk the path of remembrance together. He would like to sing songs for you and write you poems, ask for help when he needs it and hopefully offer it in return if able. ##\n\n Daniel Cherniske is a poet, a musician, a writer and a storyteller. For years, he has hid from this truth, diving into flashy careers careening toward burnout around each ego driven project and task, while the heart called out again and again, “Daniel, it’s time to come home… time to sing and to ponder, time to open and invite your kin to ramble with you.” Charlie Eisenstein masterfully speaks to the need for community to keep each other afloat when we break through the layers of plastic refuse floating on the water’s surface and fill our lungs with the realization of purpose and see clearly the potential of thriving here on this planet together in wholeness and sanity. Daniel would ask of your support, if he may. For he needs your accountability and your energy to help regenerate his soul’s calling. He has songs, essays, questions, poems, prayers, laughter, tears, fears and dreams to share with you. He would be honored for you to come along with him, and join in his creative path as he takes small and big steps toward wholeness and sanity. For we are living in strange times indeed, my dear. In short, Daniel needs your financial contributions to aid in his family’s economic survival and abundance so he may continue to say yes to his song and no to the quick fix scenarios placed before him. But beyond moneys, Daniel needs your accountability. He wishes for you to be in community with him, where he is sacredly beholden to show up for you in ways that he has promised, to step into a role of honoring our relationship by living fully engaged and alive and showing up again and again, as hard as it may be. Even when he falls apart and becomes lost in the woods of despair and fatigue, he will show up for you and weave it all into music and poetry, for that is what the Earth needs of him. That is what his Son and his partner need of him. He would like to walk the path of remembrance together. He would like to sing songs for you and write you poems, ask for help when he needs it and hopefully offer it in return if able. Come along with me.

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