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Emiri Kura, also known as Eri, is a pink-haired mouse who loves to sing and stream random stuff. They’ve been making content since 2015 but have only transitioned to this journey of vtubing back in November of 2020. Eri started posting some old covers on Facebook and Twitter and got a little bit of attention. On their first stream on Twitch, Eri was so happy that an average of 6 people took their time to watch them just being them. That was already a lot to them but since then they’ve been able to debut in January and make more memories with the support of friends and all the bb nakamouse in their community. Eri thinks they tear up every time they release a cover and their community watches the premiere with them. Eri is very emotional what can they say? Also shoutout to Kira (she’s on the header!) It took Eri 6 months since they started this before they met the most wonderful bnuuy. Eri is so happy they found a close friend like her. Eri will give her all their snacks if they have to!

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