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Jackson Bird

Jackson Bird

Jackson Bird is a video creator, podcaster, writer, public speaker, and professional waffler. A lot of Jack’s work revolves around demystifying the transgender experience, which Jack does through Jack’s YouTube videos as well as Jack’s podcast, Transmission. Jack also wrote an educational memoir called Sorted: Growing Up, Coming Out, and Finding My Place. Sometimes Jack also puts random foods on a waffle iron to see what happens and calls it a comedy series. Jack also speaks and runs workshops on LGBTQ+ issues, online video, social media, activism, and digital storytelling at events large and small. If you’re interested in booking Jack for your next event, get in touch here. In addition to all of the above, Jack is a freelance host/performer, video editor, writer, and social media consultant. At the moment, Jack’s main gig is writing and hosting the Kottke Ride Home podcast five days a week. Jack also runs a VHS digitization business, sells merch, and works on writing more books in Jack’s spare time. Where Jack’s Going: Jack’s goal is to bring in enough income from Jack’s videos, podcast, speaking, merch, and writing to be able to cut some of Jack’s other jobs from Jack’s schedule. It’s a bit of a self-defeating cycle because those projects don’t produce substantial income unless Jack is able to devote substantial time to them to make them consistent, high-quality, and well-promoted. That’s where Jack’s patrons come in! With Jack’s patrons’ support, Jack has been able to cut back on work for clients to focus more on doing what Jack loves creating cool, meaningful work that educates and entertains.

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