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Joy (jjwalsh_InboundAmbassador) is Joy, a Japan resident for over 25 years. They are running the SeekingSustainabilityLIVE talkshow series, which focuses on interviewing experts from across Japan who help viewers feel more connected, learn, feel inspired, and spark new ideas of their own. The talkshow series is available live almost every weekday at 9am or 5pm Japan time, and viewers comment that the series is “fun”, “well-researched” “inspirational” and even the “best thing about 2020 for me.” SSL topics often include Japanese culture, Tourism + Travel, Sustainable lifestyle + Fashion, Akiya (abandoned) home reuse + reform, Gardening + Organic Farming, Artisans + Craftspeople, Japanese heritage + history, stories + folklore, activism + clean-ups, sustainable innovation, entrepreneurs, future-tech, gender empowerment, diversity + inclusion, community building, and marketing + branding.

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