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Michael Knodt

Michael Knodt

Michael Knodt has been setting for over 20 years to the legalization of Cannabis and sser for the words around the theme. He wants his ights were free, independent and for all open access to YouTube continue to produce, but unfortunately the guidelines on this platform are very strict when it comes to illegal “drugs”. The tech, cameramen and editors have to be paid. Also, my children and I need money for rent, food, and what else comes along. Iā€™m happy with every urs. Your support helps me produce the videos in a high quality and address topics that in large ights, who come to short. There are beautiful things back has gone a lot of trouble to the composition, and hopes you like !” – Micha x\n\n##\n\n\n Michael Knodt has been setting for over 20 years to the legalization of cannabis and srating for the coverage of the theme. They want their content to be free, independent and for all to access on YouTube continue producing, but unfortunately the guidelines on this platform are very strict when it comes to illegal “drugs”. The technology, cameramen and editors have to be paid. Also, my children and I need money for rent, food, and what else comes along. They’re happy with every urs.

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