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Michael Night

Michael Night

Michael Night is on a mission to use their art to battle suicide, depression, and the general, ongoing sense of being lost in this life, which an increasing amount of people are experiencing. While music production, touring, music videos, other forms of entertainment, blogs, and increasing the following are only part of the formula for them, they are the vehicle which allows them to do what they dream of. This is why there need to be those who speak to the young souls’ darkness while trying to show them the way to the Light. Some artists strive to do so and have their own style of doing so. The reason for having this “mission” lies in having been touched by the death of someone they went to highschool with. Without going into unnecessary details, the kid needed support in that age. However, teenagers and their trust of therapists and counselors. Who do such children often look up to? Artists. Writers. Public figures. Entertainers. That is why there need to be those who speak to the young souls’ darkness while trying to show them the way to the Light.

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