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Miracle Forest

Miracle Forest

Miracle Forest is Melinda, who lives in Hungary, Budapest and has been creating relaxing videos on Youtube since 2013. You may know them from Youtube as The Miracle Forest. They started when they were in a very bad place in their life. They were struggling with severe anxiety, and relaxing videos and meditations were one of the few things that they felt could help them deal with the illness. They created relaxing sound videos that calmed them and wrote guided meditations incorporating the techniques that eased the worries of their own mind. They knew how many others suffered from anxiety, just like they did, and they wanted to share what helped them, in the hopes that it could help someone else out there too. They’re in a much better place now mentally, and the content they produce has changed. Now, they make ambience videos that challenge their VFX skills, venturing more into ASMR territory to make the sounds accompanying the visuals as relaxing as possible. As they got better health-wise, their old self started to come back. As a teenager, they used to be goth, but when they got really sick, some manipulative people around them made them believe that their love for spooky things had caused their illness. It took them years of working on their mental state and getting better to understand that that was not true. They slowly dipped their toes back into watching some scary movies that they had missed throughout the years and wearing black clothes again. They even made some creepy mushroom figures:) They didn’t get ill from them, what a surprise, right? In fact, they enjoyed themselves and started to feel an old passion ignite. (Their therapist joked that black clothing should come with a warning that it causes mental illness, love them.) Their house now looks like it’s Halloween every day of the year, and you can also see their love for spooky things in their videos. Because they don’t think we should be afraid of the dark. They think we should make friends with it, and once we do, it can become quite magical and comforting. They think a lot of their videos have this vibe now: a dark kind of magical that is relaxing and comforting. At least that’s what they’re aiming for:) To them, a shrine of spirit cats is just as magical as a giant with glowing eyes in the dark forest. In June 2018, a year long “oopsie” started with YouTube. They took away their ability to monetize their videos despite them never doing anything that was against the rules. Long story short: they didn’t believe they made their videos. They fought for their channel and deleted more than 200 videos in the process, trying their best to appease our YouTube overlords. They gave back their ability to monetize at the end of August, but took it away again in February. On the 20th of May in 2019, they reinstated their channel once again, and it has been that way since. This whole fiasco took a toll on them however (to this day they’re scared to log into Youtube or their emails), so they decided to open this Patreon page, since they experienced first-hand how unstable YouTube can be. They hope you find something to enjoy in their videos:) They do come from a special place in their heart.

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