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Rocket Pig Games

Rocket Pig Games

Rocket Pig Games is providing professionally crafted support-free miniatures. They have a large selection of terrain and models. Supporters at this level get at least (8) support-free miniatures for every month they support them. Supporters also get to be an important part of their community and are invited to vote on monthly polls to determine what will be offered in the upcoming month. Supporters at this level get a Deluxe (large-sized) miniature and an Extra Deluxe (large-sized) miniature. Supporters at this level also get special promo codes to use in the store and have early access to special events (like Kickstarter sneaks) and newsletter releases. As they continue to grow and meet goals, they will add more files to the loot bag. Supporters can save on the monthly fee by pledging for three months in advance. Some files may require a commercial printer or resin printer.

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