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Spirit Science Institute

Spirit Science Institute

Spirit Science Institute is an online school of metaphysics. Their mission is to provide the global population with the science of spirituality via easily accessible, safe and practical educational material. Join them every Sunday for oracle card readings that apply to the entire global population. You can watch the recorded video for the readings at your own schedule. The school is always open. Join them for Sunday Service, Every single Sunday the global community is invited to log on for the broadcast. Rev. Shawn Wells Goldman, creator, cleric and pastor of Spirit Science Institute provides an Oracle Card reading for the entire collective subconscious. Log on at anytime to review the replays at your own pace. Claim your monthly rewards as a Sunday Service patron!!! Spirit Science Institute was created by Rev. Shawn Wells Goldman more than 20 years ago. Ordained Healing Hands Minister, ordained Astrology Minister, registered Metaphysical Practitioner, certified Holistic Practitioner, certified wellness consultant, certified computer scientist, certified Reiki initiate, initiated Shaman. With a clear understanding of the science of Spirituality, Rev. Shawn is prepared to assist the global population in locating their sources of spirituality that are already within, but may be forgotten. Spirit Science Institute was created to help the global population with the science of spirituality via easily accessible, safe and practical educational material, workshops, classes and on-demand programs. In addition to providing spiritual teachings and classes, Spiritual Science Institute also offers holistic health services, psychic protection services, individual and relationship Astrology readings, personal Oracle Card readings, and Quantum Healing sessions.

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