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The Disc Golf Photographer

The Disc Golf Photographer

The Disc Golf Photographer is so glad you made it here today, which means you already have a similar interest in supporting disc golf media. Having photographed disc golf brands and athletes since 2008, there is a lot that the photographer has to share with you as well as new content where the photographer writes disc golf course reviews, player interviews and covers some of the best tournaments in the Midwest (the photographer lives near Chicago, IL). The photographer loves disc golf more than anything and nothing else comes easier for the photographer to talk or write about because it just hits the photographer on so many levels. The photographer always loved the outdoors and photography, when the photographer picked up the photographer’s first disc in 2003 the photographer was instantly hooked on the game and the two just melded together. The photographer’s boyfriend Chris and the photographer went on road trips traveling to as many courses the photographer could play in a day, then the photographer found out there were tournaments and how competitive it could be.

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