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The Kingdom of Pinfall

The Kingdom of Pinfall

The Kingdom of Pinfall is doing wrestling fanart – namely the Pinfall Tarot – a novelty tarot card deck and huge, daunting project full of joy. The Tarot deck is based on the mythology of an alternate universe (AU) fanfiction that they began for lols at around the same time. That fanfiction is now a wrestling fanfiction podcast and they somehow make fanart for their own fanfiction. They never expected this to happen, but here we are. They like to do traditional art (graphite pencil, India ink, assorted paints), but they dabble in digital here and there. They also do things that are not wrestlers, but wrestling provides a hilarious amount of variety and constant silly inspiration. Their goal is to perhaps somewhat sustain themselves with art while also spreading delight. They want their Patreon to be cool and they’ll hopefully be tweaking and adding more tiers as time goes on!

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