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Vic Berger IV

Vic Berger IV

Vic Berger IV is an absurdist comedy video creator and musician from Bethlehem, PA. They repurpose found footage and newsreel, transforming it into something new and (hopefully) funny. This could be a boring talk show segment or a seemingly innocuous clip from a pop culture icon addressing their fans, but once Vic gets their hands on it, it turns into a few heightened minutes of awkwardness within a full-out psychedelic experience. Other times, Vic uses video editing to comment on situations in the news or highlight the ridiculousness of what we all are going through as a society. Since we live in a time where a Tim & Eric character occupies the White House, the material is overly abundant. The craziness isn’t just in politics, though. Vic seeks out the bizarre, the obscure, the “bad in pop culture and advertising as well as the never-ending parade of conmen, and mold their output into pieces that will hopefully give the viewer a sense that they aren’t the only one feeling this way and that maybe things WILL be okay eventually. Vic hopes their videos have a cathartic effect on the viewer. After receiving many messages from people asking how they could help support what he does, Vic decided what he needs is time. The longer videos, as well as his shorter-form Instagram/Twitter videos/photoshops, take time to research, edit and make into what you’d expect to see in a Vic Berger video/post. And as it is now, Vic is a one man operation. Having patrons would allow Vic to evolve their work so they can take it to new territories! And with your support, the videos can get as weird and crazy as we like. A twenty minute Jim Bakker video or a mini-documentary on Vic’s dad could now be a reality that needs no approval from the big bossman at the company. Vic is still ironing out what the membership perks will be.

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